Hanging a Flat with Scenery Hardware

Hanging a Flat with Scenery Hardware

When it comes to hanging flats or other scenery, shackle plates and keeper plates can make easy work of it. Please remember though, that suspending objects over actors heads is risky business. In order to keep actors and crew safe, a rigging expert should be employed when hanging ANYTHING for a production.

What are shackle plates and keeper plates?

Shackle plates and keeper plates are two pieces of scenery hardware, which are used, in conjunction, to secure lift lines to a piece of scenery. Shackle plates allow for the attachment of a lift line via shackle or jaw-type turnbuckle, while keeper plates are used to guide the lift line to its suspension point, and "keep" the lift line in place.

Shackle Plate Installation

To hang a flat using a shackle plate and keeper plate, first select the appropriate shackle plate for your installation. The standard Shackle Plate (2010) works well for most installations but if horizontal space is limited, use a 90 Degree Shackle Plate (2020), or for an even more discreet installation, use a Shackle Plate Stubby (2060) or a 90 Degree Shackle Plate Stubby (2030). Attach the shackle plate to the lowest point on the back of a piece of scenery with two #8 or #10 flat head screws. Then attach a lift line using a shackle or jaw type turnbuckle. See photos below.

shackle plate 2010 installed
Shackle Plate 2010

shackle plate 2020 installed
Shackle Plate 90 Degree 2020

shackle plate 2060 installed
Shackle Plate Stubby 2060

shackle plate 2030 installed
Shackle Plate Stubby 90 Degree 2030

Keeper Plate Installation

In order to route the lift line back to its suspension point, you'll need to install a Keeper Plate next. Attach a Keeper Plate to the highest point on the back of a piece of scenery, directly in line with the Shackle Plate installed at the bottom, using #8 or #10 screws. Keeper Plates come in two configurations: Standard (2040) and Stubby (2050). Once installed, guide the lift line through the eye opening on the keeper plate and up to its suspension point. See photos.

keeper plate 2040 installed
Keeper Plate 2040

keeper plate 2050 installed
Keeper Plate 2050

How it Should Look When Finished

shackle plates and keeper plates on hanging scenery

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