Cleaning Stage Curtains
Important Considerations
Before cleaning your stage curtains, cycs, or other theatrical fabrics, a few important factors should be considered. We realize that there are cases when you may need to clean your FR or IFR fabrics but we generally DO NOT recommend it for a number of reasons. Please review our tips below before attempting any cleaning to ensure that your stage curtains stay beautiful and most importantly, SAFE.
Cleaning Natural Fiber Fabrics
Natural fiber fabrics require special care when cleaning is required, so put down the bucket of soapy water RIGHT NOW. But what is a natural fiber fabric? We're basically talking about cotton (or anything blended with cotton), canvas, jute, linen, and silk. Natural fabrics like this are often pre-treated with a flame retardant chemical. This is typically the case if they are being used in public places. Flame retardant additives are water soluble, which means that if you attempt to clean a natural fiber fabric with a water-based solution, there's a pretty good chance that you will remove or adversely affect the fabric's flame retardancy. Don't do it!
Instead, you MIGHT try dry cleaning, as it will clean the fabric but also help to preserve the flame retardant treatment. Please realize that every dry cleaning will diminish the fabric's flame resistant effectiveness more and more. The amount of dry cleaning a fabric can handle varies, but in most cases, it's best just to avoid wet or dry cleaning altogether. You may just have to replace that canvas backdrop after the pie eating contest. Sorry.
Another concern with natural fiber fabrics is the negative effect high humidity can have on them. Because flame resistant additives are water-soluble, swings in humidity can lessen the chemical's effectiveness. Natural fiber fabrics tread with flame retardant additives used in high humidity locations should be tested often for effectiveness and retreated or replaced if necessary.
Cleaning Synthetic Fiber Fabrics
If you've got stage curtains made from synthetic fiber fabrics (think polyester velour), you're in luck. These fabrics are inherently flame retardant (IFR). That means small spots or minor stains MAY be cleaned with warm water without endangering its flame resistance. Use caution when using stain removers however, as they may alter the color of the fabric. Always spot test any cleaning products on a hidden part of the drape.
The bigger concern for synthetic fiber fabrics is DUST. Yep, fabrics like polyester velour (the stage curtain standard) carry an electromagnetic charge which acts like a dust magnet. And guess what isn't flame retardant? That's right, dust. So you've gotta keep this type of fabric clean and free of dust. Typically, this is done by vacuuming, blowing, or brushing off any dust. This should be done frequently to ensure that your synthetic draperies are dust-free and do not become a safety hazard.
Finally, if your synthetic fiber curtains require major cleaning, they may be laundered in a machine BUT you must exercise caution with regards to detergents, bleaches, and softeners. These have the potential to adversely affect the fabric's ability to resist flame. Dry cleaning also works but synthetic draperies should be air dried or dried at very low temperatures. Ideally, all draperies should be hung to dry in place. Even though synthetic drapes have the potential to survive a laundering, we still strongly suggest NOT wet or dry cleaning your draperies unless it is being done by a professional cleaning service that understands the risks.
If your stage curtains are in need of repair or replacement, contact us to get a quote.