Intro to Theatrical Knots
While hundreds of useful knots exist, below are some of the most commonly used knots by stagehands for theatre and rigging applications. If you are building an arsenal of useful theatrical knots, the following knots should serve you well in most situations.
If there's one knot to know for stage and theatre, it's this one. If tied properly, it WILL NOT slip. A bowline knot is used to tie a fixed loop in the end of a rope. A bowline knot can make a non-slip loop around an object, or if tied back around the rope (like a lasso), will tighten down on the object. To that end, it is used by riggers and electricians to fly equipment (send it upward). A bowline knot can also be used to tie two ropes together by tying a bowline in the end of one line, then tying a bowline in the end of the other through the first bowline. This is the best method of adding rope to a spotline on a rope system that is a little short because it is more secure than other knots, like a sheet bend.
Clove Hitch
A clove hitch is used to tie a rope to a batten or post. For safety, it is usually finished with a half-hitch stopper back around the standing line to prevent slippage. A clove hitch should be the second knot to know after a bowline.
Two Half Hitches
Like a clove hitch, two half-hitches can also be used to tie a rope to a batten. Not as strong as a clove hitch by itself, it will be very strong if a rope is passed around the bar two or three times, and then secured with two half-hitches. This method is useful when dead-hanging something directly from an overhead support.
Square Knot
The square knot is a binding knot used to tie a rope around something to secure it. Square knots are also great for tying two IDENTICAL ropes together. The two MUST BE the same size, material, age, and condition, or the knot WILL slip. If you must join two knots, it's better to use a sheet bend (below).
Sheet Bend Knot
The sheet bend knot is used when joining two ropes. It will work with all ropes even if the size, material, and stiffness differs. A sheet knot is more reliable and less likely to slip than a square knot.
Tie Line Knot or Lark's Head
A Lark's Head knot is used to attach tie lines to the grommets of a curtain or drop so it can be tied to a batten.
Pin Rail Tie Off or Belay Knot
Belay Knots are used to secure the ropes of a ropes system to the belay pins of a pin rail.
Prusik Knot
A Prusik knot is used to attach a wire rope loop to the batten ropes of a ropes system so that sandbags can be clipped to the loop as counterweight.
Figure Eight Knot
A figure eight knot is used to put a knot in a rope, so it won't accidentally run back through a pulley or sheave. It can also be useful to keep the end of a rope from unraveling.
Looking for theatrical rope or tie line for your stage or theatre? Shop here.